Singing Guide: Hawaiian Style Band

Singing Guide: Hawaiian Style Band

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Hawaiian music has a truly unique sound. Hawaiian Style Band is one of the artists that embody the traditional melodies of Hawaii with a twist of contemporary R&B. Here are some insights into how you can learn to sing like the Hawaiian Style Band.


Breathing is critical in singing, but in Hawaiian music, it's even more essential than ever due to its long and often wavy melodies. One way to improve breath control is by practicing breathing exercises. To improve your breathing abilities, Singing Carrots offers a breathing exercise created by popular singers and vocal coaches.

Vocal Technique

Hawaiian Style Band's music is engaging because it incorporates different styles, including rhythm and blues. The group's unique style comes from their successful blend of different singing techniques. Improve your vocal range by taking the Vocal Range Test offered by Singing Carrots. To keep moving up the octave, Hawaiian Style Band makes use of vibrato, such as can be learned in the Singing With Vibrato article. Practicing Chest Voice technique can also improve your range.

Song Choice

The song choice is essential in achieving good results as a singer. Hawaiian Style Band is famous for its rendition of "Rhythm of the Ocean," "Living in a Sovereign Land," and "Ease My Mind." Singing Carrots offers tools to help find songs in your vocal range and preference, such as the Song Search feature.

Performance tips

While singing live, Hawaiian Style Band always gives a fantastic performance. If you want to know how to improve your live performance, read the Tips for Performing on Stage article offered by Singing Carrots. It's important to have good posture while singing, which can be learned with the Good Singing Posture video.


Hawaiian Style Band's unique sound is a direct result of blending traditional Hawaiian music with contemporary R&B. Incorporating breathing exercises and mastering techniques such as Chest Voice and Vibrato are crucial steps in learning how to sing like Hawaiian Style Band. Furthermore, using tools such as Song Search and Vocal Range Test will help you find the right songs and develop a strong voice. Keep in mind that great performances require excellent stage presence and posture. Singing Carrots offers many articles and videos that can help you become a better singer and improve your live performances.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.